Articles in the Matches Category
Heron Lake, Matches »
Our last match on Sunday 14th December had 9 anglers, results as follows:
- Mike O’Gorman Peg 10 49lb 8oz
- Mike Bennetts Peg 2 20lb 4oz
- Andy Partridge Peg 3 15lb 2oz
If you want to fish any of the winter league dates as an open you can, see match page for dates.
Fir Tree Pond, Heron Lake, Matches »
Today’s match had 10 fishing so we had 2 sections on 2 ponds:
- Andy Partridge (Heron Lake) Peg 3 46lb 12oz
- Mike O’Gorman (Fir Tree Pond) Peg 5 41lb 8oz
- Roger Baker (Heron Lake) Peg 16 39lb 2oz
If you want to fish any of our winter league dates as an open please see our dates on our match page
Heron Lake, Matches »
This Sunday was the third winter league match:
- Mike O’Gorman 46lb from peg 16
- Mike Bennets 37lb 2oz Peg 5
- Todd Wright 27lb 6oz Peg 18
If your not in the winter league you can still fish each match as an open, see our match page for dates
Heron Lake, Matches »
This Sunday was the second league match:
- Jon Wykes 49lb from peg 5
- Todd Wright 37lb 14oz peg 18
- Mike O’Gorman 35lb peg 7
If your not signed up for the winter league you can still fish these matches as an open, see our match page for the dates.
Heron Lake, Matches »
We have another new fishery match weight. On Sunday’s match Mike Bloman caught 103lb 10oz in a 6 hour match. He drew peg 10 and fished pole in the margin, feeding 4 and 6mm fishery pellets for most of the day and with an hour on the feeder at the start of the match. The £100 purse is still up for grabs as there was only 5 fishing. Next time Mick bring some mates along and the monies yours!!!
Second was Roger Baker with 61lb 8oz
Heron Lake, Matches »
Todays match saw last fortnights match record weight smashed! Marc Barden pictured below nearly hit a tonne of fish in todays open match and with it the £75 bonus for the first 75lb plus net. Marc caught 96lb 6oz from peg 1, he fished pole and feeder to the far bank all day, feeding 8mm pellets and catching on a 6mm pellet. The picture below is of one net of fish, Great catch Marc!
Second was Josh Anderson with 53lb 8oz from peg 3, Josh fished a mixture of long pole with 6mm pellets and pellet feeder with 8mm pellets.
Thanks to all whom came.
Keep and eye out for details of our next bonus purse!!
Heron Lake, Matches »
Todays match went really well. Weather was almost perfect, sunny spells warm and a slight breeze. Roger Baker (Pictured below) was first with 67lb 04oz. NEW FISHERY RECORD. (38lb 8oz carp, 28lb 12oz silvers) Well done Roger not bad for an old un!! Hope to see you again to have another crack at the £75 bonus!!
Second was Josh Anderson (Pictured below with Carp net) with a mixed bag of carp and silvers for a total of 53lb 14oz. Next time Josh land all your fish!!
I have to give a mention to Jon Wykes who was third with 51lb 11oz ON PEG 1, well fished Jon you have proved that peg 1 is a flyer!!!
Thanks to all who came, see our match pages for details of our next match and the £75 bonus.
Heron Lake, Matches »
Match results for Sunday 13th April
10 anglers fished on Heron Lake and we had 2 sections. 1st in section one was Nigel Taylor on peg 2 with 48lb 12oz and won £30, 2nd was Josh Anderson on peg 3 with 45lb and won £20. 1st in section two was Roger Baker on peg 10 with 43lb 4oz who won £30 and 2nd was Neil Hodder on peg 18 with 34lb 4oz and won £20.
Thanks to all who came. If you would like to join a match at Amalwhidden check out our dates on our match page or give me a call on 07842 089760.
Matches »
Our first match of the new season will be on this Sunday 2nd March. Peg draw is at 9.00am match starts at 10.00am. £15 all in (£10 pools £5 peg fee) All are welcome. Hope to see you there.